(2m) 70cm (23cm) EME antenna pictures
Array #2
6m dish - 0.5f/D
Dual-Dipole Feed, full polarization rotation
Rotor and tracking - SATTRACK, SPID ELEKTRONIK
70cm feed rotation (6MB)
Old, with temporary feed mount:
Array #1
4 x 25el. I0JXX YAGI
boom 5.5m long, 1.65m H x 1.6m V stacking
Theoretical gain = 24.6 dBi (by YO)
Stacking loss = open wire feed system, about 0.15 dB
Preamp - FHX35
Coax loss (to shack) = 7/8" coax, about 1 dB
Rotor and tracking - SATTRACK, SPID ELEKTRONIK